News from the innovation leader: With your PALFINGER crane you always know how much weight is on your hook


How heavy is this load? This is one of the questions that crane operators hear often when doing their job. Sometimes people ask this question out of curiosity, sometimes this is very important information. With PALFINGER you always have the answer.


PALFINGER is well known for Innovation Leadership and with WEIGH we have yet another smart option which makes life of our crane operators easier. Until the end of the year 2020 we offer our WEIGH promotion and you can get our weight measuring option for free on all new TEC 7 crane models. You already have a TEC 7 crane? No problem! For all existing TEC 7 cranes we offer a free software activation kit where you can upgrade your crane in one of our many service stations. Unfortunately, some technical restrictions apply to the retrofitting. Here  is the detailed information. Of course, we have also integrated our other crane models into this promotion – find out more! 


With the PALcom P7, PALFINGER’s inhouse developed radio remote control, you simply have to bring the crane into a neutral position near the load, tare it out, then you can lift the load and the weight of the load is shown on the display. During the next load cycle, you can lift a second load and add the different weights up or subtract the one from the other. The system automatically documents the latest 10 weighing operations. You can integrate even any crane tool such as a pallet fork, a grapple or a clamshell bucket and WEIGH is also available in rope winch operation. With this option you always have an answer on “How heavy is this load?”.

And here is the technical explanation: With pride we claim that the TEC crane range is built from our best ideas. One of these ideas is that we always want to know the exact position of the crane tip. This is why we equip our cranes with a full set of sensors and in return we know exactly the different boom angles and how far the boom system is extended. We then calculate the weight of the load from the combination of the exact hook position and the oil pressure in the hydraulic system.


For all crane models that have no technical possibility to install WEIGH we have an excellent solution as well. In the promotion period you can order our wireless load shackle with a special promotion pricing. This shackle can be integrated between the load hook of your crane and the load. After establishing a Bluetooth Connection, the weight can be shown directly on your smartphone. Of course, also with our Load Shackle adding up and subtracting is possible. If you do not have a smartphone, we offer an alternative.


Do we have your attention? Excellent! Just select your local sales partner in our Sales & Service Search below and find your nearest contact person. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


As described already above we have some technical limitations to this promotion, and we want to be fully transparent:

  • Our weighing function is only available on TEC 7 cranes which are already equipped with our length measuring system BEM (Boom Extension Monitoring) and which have been delivered after Q1 2018
  • Newly ordered TEC 7 cranes have to be preconfigured as well first with BEM
  • WEIGH is only available on TEC 7 cranes. Any other crane models can technically not be upgraded with WEIGH but therefore we offer the wireless load shackle at a promotion price instead


PALFINGER is an international technology and mechanical engineering company and the world’s leading producer and provider of innovative crane and lifting solutions. With around 12,540 employees (without contract workers), 30 manufacturing sites and a worldwide sales and service network of around 5,000 service points, PALFINGER creates added value from the challenges of its customers. PALFINGER is consistently continuing on its course as a provider of innovative, complete solutions that deliver increased efficiency and better operability, while leveraging the potential of digitalization along the entire production and value chain.

PALFINGER AG has been listed on the Vienna stock exchange since 1999, and in 2023 achieved record revenue of EUR 2.45 billion.



Katja Pötsch | Head of Public Relations & Executive Communication | PALFINGER AG
M +43 664 889 69 065  |