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Mantén en Óptimo Estado tus Carretillas Elevadoras Montables con estos 3 Sencillos Consejos de Mantenimiento



Imagine this: You’re on a busy construction site, and a lumber delivery truck rolls in. You not only see the lumber but also a forklift attached to the rear of the truck. This isn’t just any forklift; it’s a truck-mounted forklift (TMF), a piece of equipment that’s completely changing the game when it comes to lumber deliveries.  

Delivering lumber often presents significant logistical challenges. The bulk and weight of lumber requires special handling/ vehicles. Factors like weather conditions and navigating unique and challenging job sites only add to the complexity. Here, the TMF comes into play, enhancing efficiency, improving safety, and offering unparalleled flexibility.  

The PALFINGER FHS 55 4W and FHS 55 4WP TMF models are particularly suited for these challenges. Think of this product like the AWD of the delivery sector. With agile 4-way directional capabilities, these units can maneuver sideways, effortlessly accessing even the most constrained spaces typical at construction sites. These models can easily be adjusted to navigate around obstacles to deliver materials precisely where needed. The FHS 55 4WP model even includes a unique Reach System, allowing the operator to offload the entire load from one side of the truck. This enables the operator to complete more deliveries as they are no longer required to move their vehicle multiple times due to parking constraints.    

To give you a better sense of how these innovations impact real-world operations, here are the experiences of two companies in the lumber delivery industry that have integrated the PALFINGER truck-mounted forklifts into their operations.  


Motor y Filtro

En el mundo acelerado de la manipulación de materiales y logística, las empresas dependen de las carretillas elevadoras montables para una entrega eficiente de productos en los sitios de trabajo de los clientes, incluso al transitar por calles concurridas, espacios reducidos, terrenos difíciles y lugares complicados para maniobrar.

Como Gerente de Servicio de carretillas elevadoras montables PALFINGER North America, entiendo la importancia de mantener la maquinaria en condiciones óptimas. Aunque las carretillas elevadoras montables PALFINGER tienen una reputación destacada por su confiabilidad y bajo mantenimiento, aún requieren cuidados constantes. Su mantenimiento regular no solo extiende la vida útil del equipo, sino que también reduce el tiempo de inactividad y los costos operativos.

En este blog, compartiré tres consejos esenciales que los dueños de negocios, gerentes de flotas y operadores de montacargas deben priorizar para optimizar el rendimiento de sus carretillas elevadoras montables. Desde el mantenimiento del sistema de filtro de aire, la aplicación de rutinas adecuadas de engrase hasta la realización oportuna de cambios de filtros de aceite y combustible, estas estrategias te ayudarán a superar los desafíos de las operaciones diarias y a mantener en óptimas condiciones el funcionamiento de tus carretillas elevadoras.


Tip #1: Mantén Limpio el Sistema de Filtro de Aire de tu Motor Diésel

El motor de tu carretilla elevadora, el motor diésel Kohler de 3 cilindros, es el corazón de tu montacargas. Mantener un motor saludable depende en gran medida de suministrarle aire limpio. Para asegurar un mantenimiento óptimo del motor diésel, sigue estos pasos:

  1. Retira la tapa de la carcasa del filtro de aire para acceder al elemento del filtro.
  2. Inspecciona el filtro de aire para ver si está sucio.
  3. Reemplaza el filtro una vez que acumule suciedad significativa.

Un filtro de aire obstruido puede restringir el flujo de aire al motor, lo que resulta en un rendimiento reducido y posibles daños. Un sistema de filtro de aire bien cuidado garantiza que tu motor reciba el aire limpio necesario para operar de manera óptima, reduciendo el riesgo de reparaciones costosas.

Will Lummus, President and CEO, highlights the benefits for both their operators and customers, “They’re able to get the lift on and off the truck without having to be inside the PALFINGER (forklift). Obviously, that’s going to save some time, because they’re able to do it from the ground. They’re not getting up and down off the lift, mount it and unmount it. The sidewinder comes into big play, especially with the type of jobs that we go into in Atlanta where the houses are very narrow. So having the sidewinder obviously helps with our times, and helps get our loads in and helps us service the customer better." 

Founded in 1976

C&R Building Supply

In 1976, Mario Carosella Sr. started a small home remodeling company, C & R Window Company, which grew into the much larger Philadelphia-based C & R Building Supply. Mario's sons have truly seen the company evolve, as they now have a state-of-the-art facility designed to enhance the customers' experience. With a showroom, drive-thru lumber yard, hardware store, and paint store, the new facility allows them to give customized support to ensure their customer's needs are met.  

Operator Zack Santiago relies on his PALFINGER TMF for his deliveries and praises the FHS 55 4WP for its reliability, comfort, and power. This gives him the flexibility to deliver any load under any condition safely and efficiently. “We put the machine to the test all the time. It is very heavy duty, very industrial. It makes you feel comfortable even with the load on there, you feel secure. And it’s so powerful. It moves, it accelerates way better than the other machine that we had. And it’s more comfortable for people my size.” 

Acerca de Bobby Campbell

Bobby Campbell es parte de PALFINGER North America desde hace más de 6 años y actualmente es Gerente de Servicios de carretillas elevadoras montables. Veterano de la Marina con siete años de servicio en roles activos y de reserva activa, Bobby cuenta con casi 30 años de experiencia técnica que abarca un amplio espectro de maquinaria, incluyendo aeronaves, grúas, montacargas y vehículos.

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